
The best way to ace any online quiz, test or exam is to be prepared. 阅读本页的每个部分以获得学习技巧, 在线监考是如何工作的, 如何准备监考考试, 以及如何解决挑战.

  • Complete all learning activities in all sections to be assessed prior to taking the quiz, test or exam. Do all assignments and turn them in on time to benefit from the formative feedback. Be proactive about asking your teacher and classmates when unclear about instructions or feedback.
  • 看看有多少小费进来了 this mindmap you're following to best set yourself up to show what you know in any form of assessment (exam, text, quiz, etc.)
  • 考虑一下这些备考建议 做好身体和精神上的准备.
  • Use these 学习成功资源 为了改善你的学习习惯,从而更好地准备考试.
  • 向神求智慧,因为他慷慨地赐给所有人(雅各书1:5).  Pray for focus, persistently cutting out distractions and keeping a regular study schedule priority.

  • Most students 使用这个约会日历 to schedule online proctoring as it is convenient to take exams in your own quiet space at no charge. 
  • 如果是教育工作者,可以考虑批准当地监考, 谁会在整个考试过程中监督你. Local proctoring is an option if residing within the USA and not taking Math or Seminary classes. Click on the exam request form link in the course space to request local proctoring. 一定要提供所有必需的信息.
  • Please schedule appointments for exam proctoring at least two weeks before you need to take the exam. 准备在截止日期前几天参加考试.  Not finding an appointment before your deadline when waiting until the last minute may negatively impact your grade; it is your responsibility to plan ahead.

It is your responsibility to arrange to complete the exam at a time you select within a few days before the exam deadline. Most students 安排缩放会话 for online proctoring through our Testing Center; some classes permit finding an approved local proctor, and setting up the arrangements on the exam request form linked in your course space.

Once in the presence of the approved online or local proctor, these steps are followed:

  • 把考试复习中提到的任何项目带到考试现场.  
  • Be ready to hold a legal photo ID close to the webcam when requested by the proctor. 
  • With online proctoring, you need a computer and a second device with fast internet, audio and video.  确保你被授权使用这些设备进行学习.
  • Choose a location you are authorized to show on video in a space free of distractions. 所有在线监考都会被记录下来.
  • Log in to learninghub.sdkfzj.com 然后选择你要参加考试或测试的课程.
  • 点击你准备参加的考试的链接,然后点击 Attempt Quiz, then Start Quiz.
  • 等待监考老师请求你共享屏幕, 然后在输入密码时控制你的屏幕.  这些从来没有给过学生.
  • 注意你有多少时间, and check the timer as you pace yourself to finish within the allotted time. 
  • 请监考老师澄清任何不清楚的地方. Your proctor is well trained in solving technical programs problems and documents anything unusual so your instructor can take this into consideration when grading.
  • Schedule exam sessions two weeks before the deadline or your own deadline. Procrastinators will have to take appointments several days before the deadline when the schedule fills; late scheduling is not a reason to request extra time.
  • For 自学在线课程, schedule the next exam as soon as you have submitted all assignments preceding the exam request link.  准备在一周内参加考试.
  • For 互动在线课程, schedule your exam session any day before the deadline listed in the course space and syllabus. 如果你提前工作超过两周, or you have extenuating circumstances and arrange to take the exam after the deadline, 要求你的指导老师将这份许可通过电子邮件发送到 onlineexams@sdkfzj.com 这样监考人员就可以帮你开卷了.

Proctors must have academic or administrative responsibility in a university, college, 学校或工作场所的继续教育机构.  他们必须能够在他们的工作地点监考, 准备在整个考试过程中观察学生.


  • 大学、学院或学校的教员和教师
  • University, college, or school student service workers, advisors or counselors
  • 担任管理职务的图书馆员
  • University, college, school, military, workplace or other testing center


  • Students living outside the United States will arrange for proctoring online through the Testing Center.
  • If documented accommodations or connectivity issues make local proctoring the best choice but there is no educational testing facility within 50 miles from your location, contact the Testing Coordinator for assistance in proctoring arrangements.
  • We reserve the right to make alternate proctoring arrangements even when a proposed proctor meets the acceptable proctor conditions. 在这种情况下,将与学生个别安排.

Note that these are unacceptable persons to proctor Andrews University online exams:

  • 没有家庭成员,未婚夫(妻)或朋友
  • 没有导师、助教、教练或同学
  • 没有非测试人员的同事
  • 没有牧师或其他当地教会人员
  • 设置预约需要2分钟 网上预约日历. Be sure to read the email confirmation which includes easy rescheduling and cancelation links, if needed.
  • If you completed an exam request form for local proctoring and have not received an e-mail confirming your exam release within 2 business days, 打电话或发短信(269)471-6566或发电子邮件 onlineexams@sdkfzj.com
  • If the exam time has not expired you can go back into the exam and continue taking it.  您的工作将保存到保存的最后一项.  如果时间已过,请致电(269)471-6566,或发送电子邮件 onlineexams@sdkfzj.com to have the exam reset. An expired exam cannot be reopened to finish; permission to retake an exam can be arranged but this is rarely needed.
  • 如果你在一周内没有看到考试成绩, 首先与课程空间中列出的讲师联系. 如果两天内没有回复,把邮件转发到 assocdeanonline@sdkfzj.com for help.
  • Not necessarily. 最终分数的权重在教学大纲中有所说明. Grades are accessed through your University Academic Record, linked on your IVUE page.
  • If you need to earn a higher grade, contact your instructor to discuss options first. You may also repeat the course to replace the low grade on your transcript.

Maybe. Online proctoring appointments are available each business day as listed on our online appiontment calendar. 学生可以要求下班后的服务, 星期一到星期四, 每次考试收费50美元, 在考试开始时用信用卡支付. 下班后服务视乎工作人员是否有空而定.  请致电(269)471-6566或发电子邮件 onlineexams@sdkfzj.com 在办公时间内安排.

  • 在线课程的考试可以是 计划在网上进行 通过缩放视频会议.
  • Exams for main campus classes are taken under supervision by the instructor or as arranged by the instructor to be taken through the Online Testing Center. 如果不清楚,请咨询你的导师.
  • 学生需要参加 数学分班考试(MPE) 住在远离贝里恩斯普林斯的地方 onlineexams@sdkfzj.com 安排在线参加MPE考试.
  • MPE在线完成,使用 ALEKS PPL software. Students must purchase Aleks to review with customized learning module access for up to 6 months. 了解更多并在这里购买.
  • When all topics have been reviewed in Aleks, the proctored MPE can be scheduled on this online calendar.   
  • The MPE fee is paid online by wire transfer at the start of the exam session, 所以准备好银行信息或信用卡/借记卡.